Tips from a Seasoned Renter

North Orange Mini Storage Admin | March 21, 2024 @ 12:00 AM

Greetings, fellow movers and college students! If you're anything like me, you've undoubtedly developed some expertise in the relocation process. The routine of packing, transporting, and unpacking has become second nature from coast to coast and city to city. However, every transfer brings with it new difficulties and lessons to be learnt, even for seasoned tenants. Now, whether this is your first time or your tenth, let's dive into some insightful knowledge I've accumulated over the years to make your next move easy.

1. Make Plans

Meticulous planning is essential to a successful moving day. Make a detailed list at the beginning that covers everything from calling utility companies to organizing your possessions. Never underestimate how much time packing takes, particularly if you have a large amount of belongings. Packing non-essential goods should start well in advance to minimize stress at the last minute.

2. Do Some Research About Your Moving Company

Make sure you research moving companies before selecting one. Examine reviews, obtain prices from several businesses, and confirm that the companies are licensed and insured. A trustworthy moving company can really help, offering invaluable support with packing, loading, and unloading.

3. Put a Professional Label on It

Correct labelling is one of the most underutilized but time-saving tips. Purchase high-quality markers and labels, and make sure to carefully identify each box with the contents and room of destination. By following this easy procedure, you'll speed up the unpacking process and avoid having to search through boxes for necessities.

4. Utilize Storage Facilities

Storage facilities change everything for people who travel around a lot, like us. Facilities like North Orange Mini Storage provide a handy and safe choice whether you require long-term storage for seasonal items or temporary storage in between moves. Plus, having a safe place to keep everything you don't need right now makes decluttering before a move a breeze.

5. Prepare a Box of Essentials

Stow away a separate box with necessities that you will need as soon as you get to your new location. Consider essential documents, basic kitchen supplies, a change of clothes, and toiletries. You won't have to spend your move-related fatigue going through dozens of boxes if these necessities are readily available.

6. Remember to Update Your Address

Although it seems obvious, a lot of people neglect to change their address with banks, subscription services, and other significant organizations. Give yourself enough time to inform the insurance company, banks, post office, and any other pertinent parties of your impending relocation. This guarantees you won't overlook crucial correspondence or bills.

7. Accept Simplicity

Moving around a lot gives you a special chance to assess your possessions and adopt a minimalist lifestyle. Before moving, take some time to clear and sell or donate everything you don't need or use. This not only lightens your burden but also lowers moving expenses and greatly simplifies unpacking.

8. Maintain Order Throughout the Procedure

Finally, keep your sanity intact by keeping yourself organized during the relocation process. Make sure that all pertinent paperwork, invoices, and contact details are readily available. For extra piece of mind, think about making a digital folder to hold scanned copies of important documents.

Moving can be intimidating, particularly for those who are moving for the first time. However, with the correct mindset and some advance planning, it can also be a simple and even thrilling experience. If you take heed of these suggestions and absorb the knowledge of seasoned tenants like myself, you'll be ready to move forward with confidence. Happy relocation!